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Ingrown Hair


What are Ingrown Hair?

As hair grows it naturally progress up through the skin and projects out the follicle opening on the skins surface. An ingrown hair occurs when a hair twists around and grows back down the hair follicle or curves and grows sideways beneath the skins surface instead of ascending up and out. This can result in the skin becoming irritated and often produces one or many red inflamed pimple like bumps. Ingrown hair can be quite painful and in some cases can develop into boil-like lesions. Ingrown hair affect both men and women most commonly in areas where temporary hair removal methods are used or areas of friction. They can also occur as a result of dead skin blocking the hair follicle causing the hair to stay trapped under the skin. In some cases ingrown hair will resolve on their own however if not self-resolving infection can occur causing pigmentation and or scarring.

  • How are Ingrown hair treated?
  • What are the immediate post treatment effects and long term results?
  • Signs of Ingrown Hair
  • How Does Ingrown Hair Occur?

There are various approaches to treating ingrown hair. The most effective method in treating ingrown hair is to use laser technologies to treat the trapped hair, the infection, inflammation and the pigmentation and/or redness. Mixed Laser hair removal results in a permanent reduction hair in the treated area as well as treating the skin. A reduction in hair will improve the skin’s condition, tone and texture and assist in preventing reoccurrence.

Occasionally professional extraction of the ingrown hair may be required. This is performed by a qualified Dermal Clinician using sterile a probe and skin preparation. It is not recommended to perform extraction at home as most home extractions result in risk of infection and scarring.

Moisturising and exfoliating products can be used to keep the skin soft and supple making it easier for the hair to penetrate through the skin and preventing build-up of dead skin cells. Exfoliating products such as topical Retinol and lactic acid products can also be used to increase cell turnover, reduce build-up of dead skin cells and reduce pigment changes caused by ingrown hair.

Please refer to individual treatment options for more information.

In order to ensure ingrown hair treatment, one must recognise the signs of ingrown hair. Ingrown hair can be identified through a number of signs that can appear on any part of the body and also cause discomfort or pain. Some of the signs of ingrown hair include:

  • Whiteheads
  • Raised red bump
  • Redness around the follicles of hair

Ingrown hair is common among people with coarse or curly hair, and is generally considered harmless unless it becomes infected. Some of the areas where ingrown hair is more commonly seen are the underarms, the legs, the neck, the pubic region, between the buttocks and facial areas, and slao areas that are shaved regularly. In order to receive ingrown hair treatment in Melbourne Laser clinic,, it is essential that one of our a senior dermal clinicians assesses the area. There are several dermatological skin conditions that are may appear similar to ingrown hairs; pilonidal cysts and Hidradenitis suppurativa. Both conditions require a targeted  laser treatment plan to treat and  reduce their reoccurrence.

Ingrown hair is the result of hair growing under the skin’s surface, which may cause pain or inflammation. Often caused by:

  • Friction due to tight-fit clothing
  • Shaving or waxing
  • Hair follicles being blocked by dead skin
  • Not following appropriate post care instructions after a hair removal treatment can also cause ingrown hair.

A comprehensive consultation with a MLAC Senior Dermal Clinician or Cosmetic Registered Nurse allows for proper assessment and treatment plan development. Please call our clinical experts on (03) 8686 5786.

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