Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPNs) are very common benign brown warty papules that typically appear on dark skin tones. These are small in diameter – about 1.5mm, and are firm and smooth. DPNs usually affect the cheeks, neck, and upper chest. DPNs are a type of seborrheic keratosis. Many patients request removal of DPNs, particularly when multiple or large, causing dissatisfaction with overall appearance.
The condition generally begins during adolescence with the lesions increasing in size and number with advancing age, leading to patients seeking dermatosis papulosa nigra treatment.
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About 40-50% of people who suffer from dermatosis papulosa nigra have a family history with genetics playing a crucial role.
Dermatosis papulosa nigra is benign and warrants no treatment. However, due to their warty skin tag appearance, many patients opt to have them removed. The condition is diagnosed in clinical consultation with a senior MLAC Dermal Clinician. After which a treatment plan is discussed with the patient based on the number and extent of distribution.
Treatment through the use of either diathermy or laser treatment can provide effective removal, with less risk of scarring than liquid nitrogen. A topical anaesthetic cream is used prior to precision cautery treatment, whereas laser cooling is usually sufficient to keep the treatment comfortable during laser treatment.
At Melbourne Laser & Aesthetic Centre, Dermal Clinicians may also perform dermatosis papulosa nigra treatment using an ablative laser depending on the size and number.
Immediately post treatment the lesions appear discoloured either darker or grey with the surrounding area appearing mildly inflamed. A soothing ointment is applied post treatment, then the lesions are left to fall off over the following days. A review of the area several weeks later ensures complete clearance.
A comprehensive consultation with a MLAC Senior Dermal Clinician or Cosmetic Registered Nurse allows for proper assessment and treatment plan development. Please call our clinical experts on (03) 8686 5786.