Acne scars are commonly treated with Laser technology, however each type of acne scar requires different lasers and scar removal techniques. Some lasers target the discolouration from post inflammatory yperpigmentation, whilst others treat the indented, deep scars or raised thickened acne scars.
Melbourne Laser & Aesthetic Centre Dermal Clinicians specialize in scar treatments using the most advanced laser technologies to treat all types of Acne Scars.
Call Now For a FREE Assessment (03) 8686 5786
Treatment options – How to cope with Acne Scars blog:Treatment options to cope with Acne Scars
The process involves a comprehensive consultation including taking medical history, an in depth discussion regarding the history of the active acne condition and the location of the scars.
The area is then inspected and an assessment of the type of acne scarring is made using special magnification and lighting. The scar assessment is imperative to allow the expert Dermal Clinician to specifically choose the appropriate combination of laser and/or cosmetic procedures to achieve optimal results.
Mapping and photography of the acne scar types and their appropriate treatment is explained in detail. A tailored treatment plan takes into account the type of scars, medical history, down time and time frame.
Depending on the grade of acne scarring treatment options may include any of the following or a combination of procedures: Cosmeceutical homecare products, Pigment targeting lasers, Vascular laser treatments, Infrared lasers, IPL treatment, Medical Microdermabrasion and Chemical peels. Moderate to severe acne scarring may warrant more intensive treatment using fractional Laser resurfacing, Fractional RF resurfacing, Medical skin needling and Dermal fillers.
For acne pigmented scars, the Q Switch laser effectively clears post inflammatory hyperpigmentation marks. Its Photoacoustic effect causes the fragmentation of the pigment and stimulates the body’s natural ability to clear it. The procedure is safe and effective on all skin tones and has no downtime.
Indented acne scars require advanced Fractional technology both ablative and coagulative or sub-ablative. The Mixed Fractional CO2 Carbon Dioxide laser and 1540nm laser for skin resurfacing and rejuvenation. The YouLaser MT is the most advanced mixed laser technology emitting both lasers creating micro columns.
The laser’s two wavelengths penetrate simultaneously to different levels of the skin: the surface is ablated whilst the deeper skin/scar is coagulated. Micro-columns of ablated and sub-ablated tissue are created, effectively removing and smoothing the skin’s surface and remodelling and stimulating repair to the deeper scar and skin layer.
See Laser Resurfacing for more information.
Precision Cautery
Electro-cauterisation using precision fine probes allow the expert Dermal Cliniciansto smooth the skin surface of any stubborn scar edges and thickened, hypertrophicand keloid acne scars. A combined treatment with Mixed Fractional Laser CO2 and
1540nm Technology provides the optimal solution to complex acne scarred skins.
Fractora – Fractional Radiofrequency
Fractional ablative Radiofrequency For deeper / rolling scars. This method of treatment is unique and highly effective for stubborn and deep acne scars.
Fractional columns of RF energy are emitted into the scars to break the scar tissueup, stimulate new collagen and deep tightening. The RF technology effectively
treats the deep scars and improves the texture of the scarred skin surface.
See Fractora – RF Fractional for more information.
Keloids are not self-resolving and generally re-occur after surgical excision. The Dermal Clinicians at Melbourne Laser & Aesthetic Centre are specialised in Keloid treatment and scar removal. A consultation is necessary to assess and develop an individualized treatment plan for the Keloid scars.
See Keloid.
Please refer to individual treatment options for more information.
Long term results: Macular scars resolve quickly with simple laser treatments, whereas indented acne scars often require more complex treatment plans to optimize results.
Post acne scarring can negatively affect self-esteem and has been associated with increased anxiety and depression. For this reason, its effects are not only physical but also social and psychological. Acne scars may range from Grade I to Grade IV in severity.
The cost for treatment is assessed according to the requirement. A comprehensive consultation with a MLAC Senior Dermal Clinician or Cosmetic Registered Nurse allows for proper assessment and treatment plan development. Please call our clinical experts on (03) 8686 5786.