With the blaze of the summer sun due to settle down as we head into Autumn, a lot of you are thinking – Yep let’s save the rest of this sun screen for our next holiday. We don’t need sun screen in Autumn right?
Although we are about to be covered with clouds and drenched in rain and wind our skin still sees the light of day which means we are still exposed to UV rays. Exposure means risk of getting sun damage. So unless your work the graveyard shift and hibernate in a cocoon duvet during the day (jealous), you’re still going to need to apply at least an SPF 15 sunscreen to protect your skin.
After the sand, intense UV rays and dry air, Autumn is the perfect time to renew and allow the skin to recover. This also allows time for you to rejuvenate and prepare your skin for the harsher climates of Winter.
Switch to a creamier, gentle cleanser that will add extra moisture and protect the skin against the drop of temperature, wind and rain damage that can dry out the skin.
Use a mildly acidic, hydrating toner to balance the skins PH levels. Avoiding any breakouts and skin irritations.
Gently exfoliate your skin. Summer damage can result in cellular build up on the skins surface. To efficiently remove dead skin cells and leave the skin smooth, it is advisable to exfoliate frequently. This will support the skins natural functions and prep the skin to better absorb nutrients without causing irritation. Exfoliating also allows serums to penetrate deeper into the skin.
To repair your skin from the summer and prepare it for the colder inclemencies your skin will need a richer, more emollient cream to keep the skin elastic and lubricious. Additionally, with the coming irregular humidity and less Vitamin D from the sun the skin needs to be nourished.
Although the sun’s radiation is less intense during the Autumn season you still need to protect the skin and use a daily sunscreen.
It happens to the best of us and can all be treated. By using a combination laser treatment, you can rejuvenate your skin, remove sun spots and sun damage and fill any wrinkles. Whether its resurfacing, skin tightening or just a skin needling treatment.
Remember. Each season is a new skin regime.